8:53 PM MyWalkDownTheAisle 0 Comments

As we wrap up the month of May, i will like to share about a reflective passage in James 3 Vs 13-18. And i will break it down as simply as it spoke to me.

  • Deeds done in humility that comes from       wisdom. Vs 13
  • Wisdom from heaven is first of all pure. Vs 17
  •  Peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruits.
  • Impartial and sincere. Vs 17
  • Harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition. Vs 14
  • Earthly, un-spiritual and demonic. Vs 15
  •  For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. Vs 16

Matthew 11 Vs 19b: "Wisdom is proved right by her deeds"

Yours in the walk...



10:19 AM MyWalkDownTheAisle 0 Comments

My place of strength, wisdom and direction,
My place of instruction and intimacy,
My place of safety and peace,
Oh, i remember the things i have received
in that place,
How can i ever forget?

Lord, bring me back to that place,
I long for it Father,
Help me not to loose touch...
with my place of prayer,
My power house...

Yours in the walk...



2:40 PM MyWalkDownTheAisle 0 Comments

This lesson came together in bits for me, a little study here and there over the months until i finally got the message God was trying to tell me. It all came together and now am gradually taking it all in.

I have had this fear in my Christian walk that overcoming a difficult situation helps deepen your faith in God, but it also prepares you for greater challenges, (my fear is in the greater challenges). So while i am grateful to God for helping me through a difficult situation, am always careful to learn from the experiences in preparation for what might be ahead. (am not sure i do a good job at that, because i have to learn and relearn again sometimes). 

I remember talking to a friend about it, who told me that it means "my love for God is not perfected, because perfect love casts out fear". I remember thinking "really? what verse of the bible is that again?" and this led to my study and discovery. I am going to share this understanding in the sequel it was revealed to me.

Psalm 119 v 105: "Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."
Then i came across Proverbs 6 v 23: "For this command is a lamp and this teaching is a light."
Therefore God's word to me are his commandments and his teachings, his commandments are lamps to my feet, to caution and restrict me and his teachings are the light that gives me understanding. The understanding i need to abide by his commandments.

And then, i found 1 John 2 v 5: " But if anyone obeys his word (commandments and teachings), the love for God is truly made complete/perfect in them. This is how we know we are in him".

In short, the love of God is perfected or made complete through obedience of God's word (his commandments and teachings). And then walking in obedience to God's word will drive out fear.

1 John 4 v 18:"There is no fear in love,but perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love".

That means, all i have to do is ensure i walk in obedience and then i will have no reason to fear. Then i will be right to say "fear is a signal of walking in disobedience".

Prayer: "Command me Lord, teach me and help me to walk in obedience.
              Let your love be made perfect in me, that all fear is dispelled in Jesus name. Amen."

Yours in the Walk...



9:18 PM MyWalkDownTheAisle 0 Comments

I have had my share of struggles especially in my faith walk. There has been times i felt like God was not listening to me or maybe he has forgotten me. And its so amazing how God uses situation and circumstances to speak to us.

Isaiah 49 v 14: "But Zion said the Lord has forsaken me, the Lord has forgotten me".

Remember Zion is the place of the Lord's dwelling, (Psalm 9 v 11: "Sing praises to the Lord who dwells in Zion", Psalm 132 v 13: "For the Lord has chosen Zion, he desired it for his habitation") so i try to imagine the situation in Isaiah 49 v 14, a situation that seems like The Lord had forsaken Zion.
And yes, i identify with this passage a lot, as i have asked the same questions and felt the same way.

So here i was after a long day's work, so tired and in need of a good night rest. In the middle of a good deep sleep, i heard my son in another room call me in the middle of the the night and i remember waking up to the sound of a soft voice calling "mummy". The moment i woke up, i heard him again calling "mummy" and just at that same moment i heard a voice in my spirit tell me;
"Todun, if you can hear that from a deep sleep, I can hear you". And i broke down in tears as i walked to the other room in response to my son's call.

The Lord responded to Zion in Isaiah 49 v 15-16: "Can a mother forget the baby at her breast? and have no compassion for the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you. See, i have engraved you on the palms of my hands, your walls are ever before me".

I get tired, but God doesn't get tired.
I sleep, He never sleeps nor slumber.
I forget, He never forgets.
I am not forgotten, You are not forgotten.
God sure hears...

Yours in the walk...



3:31 PM MyWalkDownTheAisle 0 Comments

I have been recently blessed by the book of Jude, so I wanted to share my lessons with you all.

Have you ever wondered why Jude is just before Revelations? One book of the bible that am always afraid to read is Revelations, because I know it talks about the end times and things to expect. The last time I did a deep study on the book of revelations, I had all sort of end time dreams. :)

The truth is we cannot shy away from it any longer, the end time signs are here!: the pleasures of the flesh, human trafficking, rape, kidnaps, war, killings, terrorism, bullying, young adults on shooting spree etc.. I have found myself asking questions like: How did it get this bad? When will all this end? Will it get worse till Jesus comes?

So I found Jude, just one chapter, very easy to skip, that's why I titled this write up  "I see you Jude". :)
Jude made me put some things into perspective, no wonder Jude came before Revelations!! Jude was supposed to prepare us for Revelations!

Jude was eager and compelled to write and urge us to contend for the faith that was entrusted to us, Jude further explains that certain people whose condemnation was written long long ago have secretly slipped in among us. Ungodly people who pervert the grace of God into a license for immorality, they pollute their bodies, reject authority and heap abuses on authorities (vs 8)

These people feast at our love feast and serve only themselves, they are clouds without rain, blown by the wind, trees without fruits and uprooted-twice dead, waves of sea foaming up their shame... They are grumblers,fault finders,they follow their evil desires and flatter others for their advantage (vs12-16)...
Jude reminds us in vs 17 of what has been foretold, that in the last days, there will be scoffers who follow their own ungodly desires.

In vs 20, Jude said: "But You! Todun, (put your name too) my dear friend, you have no control of what is to come! It has been foretold! So build up yourself on your most holy faith and pray in the Spirit, keep yourself in Gods love as you wait for the mercy of Christ to eternal life, be merciful to those who doubt,save others with fear, pulling them out of fire but hating clothing starved by corrupted flesh. 
"Remember what I told you earlier in vs 3?"
I said "what?" Jude said "Contend for your faith! Sometimes contending means tending! Tend to yourself first, then save others with fear, hating clothes stained with sin".

All I could say was "I see you Jude, I finally see you"
Jude in one chapter is filled with instructions especially for Christians living in such times as we are presently. Therefore, tend to your faith, hold on firmly as we wait for the mercy of God to eternal life.

Yours in the walk...



1:35 PM MyWalkDownTheAisle 0 Comments

David knew something about God that made him run towards Goliath with a sling and a stone, Daniel knew something about God and he refused to bow to the king. There are so many examples in the bible of people who knew their God and God proved himself strong in their lives.

If you know God and his ways definitely his acts will follow. The enemy knows this truth and he prevents children of God from truly knowing God, but instead we seek his acts.

The truth I have found is that his acts cannot sustain our Christian walk. Have you wondered why the Israelites, despite all the miracles God wrought for them, they still grumbled and lost faith in the face of adversity? The parting of the red sea, manna from heaven, water in a dry land etc… still they doubted and grumbled?.
Psalm 103 vs 7 says “God made known his ways (of righteousness and justice) to Moses and his acts to the children of Israel”.
Daniel 11 v 32 “… they that know their God shall be strong and do great exploits…”  

The sustaining power of our Christian walk is knowing God and his ways. I know there are so many expectations this year, but let’s set our priorities right by truly seeking and knowing God first and his acts will follow.

Yours in the walk...



1:17 PM MyWalkDownTheAisle 0 Comments

Happy New Year!!!

2015 is going to be a great year, Thank God for 2014, but I know 2015 has a lot of great things in store for us all.
Have you ever felt guilty for demanding too much from God? Weird question right? But really there must have been desperate situations in our lives that we say “God! If you can just do this one thing for me, I won’t even bother you again!” or maybe it’s just me, so many times I find myself coming back on my knees for something else even after a recently answered prayer and I have often wondered if God is not tired of my requests.

I am comforted by my experience as a mother that God can never get tired of us asking him for anything and everything. My husband and I are at a phase of parenting where our son just wants to do things all by himself “I can do it myself" and after trying several times he says “I need help please” and we never get tired when he asks. In fact, we are always available to help and we even get frustrated when he wants to do things by himself and that is us being human, how much more God. The truth is, in the natural world, children grow into independence but in the spiritual world, children grow into dependence. Total dependence on God is a sign of growth and he wants us to grow into dependence on him.

In this new year, I know we are all trusting God for so many things, keep up the faith, keep praying, keep asking, he never gets tired, God will come through and it's going to be a great 2015.

Take time to read the parable of the persistent widow in Luke 18 vs 1-8.

Yours in the walk.