David knew something about God that made him run towards
Goliath with a sling and a stone, Daniel knew something about God and he
refused to bow to the king. There are so many examples in the bible of people
who knew their God and God proved himself strong in their lives.
If you know God and his ways definitely his acts will
follow. The enemy knows this truth and he prevents children of God from truly
knowing God, but instead we seek his acts.
The truth I have
found is that his acts cannot sustain our Christian walk. Have you wondered why
the Israelites, despite all the miracles God wrought for them, they still
grumbled and lost faith in the face of adversity? The parting of the red sea,
manna from heaven, water in a dry land etc… still they doubted and grumbled?.
Psalm 103 vs 7 says “God made known his ways (of righteousness and justice) to Moses
and his acts to the children of Israel”.
Daniel 11 v 32 “… they that know their
God shall be strong and do great exploits…”
The sustaining power of our Christian walk is
knowing God and his ways. I know there are so many expectations this year, but let’s
set our priorities right by truly seeking and knowing God first and his acts
will follow.
Yours in the walk...