1:17 PM MyWalkDownTheAisle 0 Comments

Happy New Year!!!

2015 is going to be a great year, Thank God for 2014, but I know 2015 has a lot of great things in store for us all.
Have you ever felt guilty for demanding too much from God? Weird question right? But really there must have been desperate situations in our lives that we say “God! If you can just do this one thing for me, I won’t even bother you again!” or maybe it’s just me, so many times I find myself coming back on my knees for something else even after a recently answered prayer and I have often wondered if God is not tired of my requests.

I am comforted by my experience as a mother that God can never get tired of us asking him for anything and everything. My husband and I are at a phase of parenting where our son just wants to do things all by himself “I can do it myself" and after trying several times he says “I need help please” and we never get tired when he asks. In fact, we are always available to help and we even get frustrated when he wants to do things by himself and that is us being human, how much more God. The truth is, in the natural world, children grow into independence but in the spiritual world, children grow into dependence. Total dependence on God is a sign of growth and he wants us to grow into dependence on him.

In this new year, I know we are all trusting God for so many things, keep up the faith, keep praying, keep asking, he never gets tired, God will come through and it's going to be a great 2015.

Take time to read the parable of the persistent widow in Luke 18 vs 1-8.

Yours in the walk.

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