6:29 PM MyWalkDownTheAisle 1 Comments

When God was going to create the heavens and the earth, He didn't just create man into a void space, God put a system in place. He made the land and the waters, the sun to rule the day and the moon to govern the night. God made the animals, male and female He created them, then He made man to work the system.

A system is a set of detailed activity or processes established to achieve a desired purpose. For example,there is a reason for a family system, there is a reason why companies and organizations operate in systems. Different departments and processes working to achieve a desired goal or purpose.

As we start a new year, let us take a moment to learn from the lesson God is trying to teach us; establish a system towards achieving your desired goals. Be deliberate, for example if your goal is to read more books,create a system around that goal, read a book when traveling and any free time you have. If you have a goal to spend more time in prayers, take prayer breaks during the day. You want to spend more time with your spouse? Go out on more date nights, do something new with your spouse, if you can't do weekly, start with twice a month, whatever works for both of you is perfect.

Look around you and establish a realistic system that works for you. Systems will make you accountable, systems will make you go the long haul, systems will encourage you to go all the way like in a marathon and not just the sprint, it will help you go through the 12 months and not just 1 month. 

Take time to evaluate the systems you have established, if it works, keep up the good work, if not, set up new systems, new systems of activities, new systems of processes that will propel you towards your goals.

Yours in the walk...

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