7:43 AM MyWalkDownTheAisle 0 Comments

This is something new i am learning as i walk down the aisle of marriage everyday...
Marriage is between two forgiving person as i have been told and i am learning to forgive my husband through God's grace. But there comes the issue of forgiving myself when i do wrong, especially when i don't mean to. Anyway, i usually don't mean to do the wrong that i do, but most times i find it hard to move past the wrong even when my husband says he has forgiven me. I find myself still apologizing and referring back to it, even when my husband has moved past it. I have come to learn that forgiving your spouse is one thing and forgiving yourself is something else.

The enemy tries to rub in the guilt by making it so obvious the hurt or harm caused.This is his tactic even with our relationship with Christ. God is a forgiving father, if we confess and repent, he forgives us! but most times we find it hard to forgive ourselves."There is therefore now, no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus..." Romans 8 vs 1-2, has helped me to learn to forgive myself. Why should i keep condemning myself when i have been forgiven by Christ and even by my spouse?
I have also learned that i find it easier to forgive myself when i am truly repentant and am making efforts to change and be a better person. Anyway, there are no perfect individuals in marriage, we are all working to be better persons.
So not only am i learning to  forgive my spouse, i am also learning to forgive myself.
Yours in the walk....

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