Keep Watering!

2:21 PM MyWalkDownTheAisle 0 Comments

I just started gardening for the first time this summer, thanks to my neighbor friend who inspired me. All of sudden my eyes opened to a whole new world of learning about gardening and it's true that experience is always the best teacher.
I am by far not an expert in gardening, but i'm willing to learn, the best part of this experience for me is always when i see life burst forth from the ground i planted in. Oh such joy! and such hope!

One of the first lessons i learned is to keep watering. I had started seeing the plants grow and doing well, then i started forgetting to water them. I would only water the plants when i remember until one day when i stepped out to the yard to see the plants dying. I remember thinking "what did i do wrong?"

It was then it hit me that the cause of my dying plant was my inconsistency in watering . It wasn't about the fact that i had watered it two days ago but that i had been inconsistent. The key to growth is consistency and consistency is a deliberate act. I had to set a reminder to ensure that i water the plants everyday.

This same principle applies to anything you want to grow in, you want to grow spiritually? it takes deliberate acts of spending time in the presence of God consistently in worship, prayers and reading His word. It's not about spending time in His presence today and the next time will be in two or three days. To grow, you have to cultivate the lifestyle of being consistent in acts that encourage growth. 

Keep watering everyday till it becomes a lifestyle.
Yours in the walk.

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