The Reconciliation Business
God is always in the business of reconciling the church (his body) back to him and one of the greatest avenue for this is marriage. Marriage was God's idea, he ordained it to be so and this marriage relationship is compared with Christ and the Church (Ephesians 5:21-33). Marriage is one of God’s tool to reconciling his body (you and I) back to him and God will use your marriage, your husband, your wife, your in-laws, children, situations etc. to make you that perfect person that he (God) wants you to be.
As you and your spouse take that deliberate walk towards Christ everyday, you are both changing, to becoming more like God into that man, that woman, that parent, that God truly wants you to be. It is a deliberate walk to lay down all you think you know, having a teachable spirit and be willing to learn in love. This walk is sacrificial and deliberate but will make you an all round better person. Christ gave up himself for the church (his body) to make her holy and to present her to himself as a radiant church without stain or wrinkle, that is the kind of relationship husbands should have with their wives. The language of Christ being the head of the church (Ephesians 5:26-29) is SERVICE &; SACRIFICE.
We should be able to put efforts into making each other a better person in marriage, just like Christ did and still does for the church. This is actually the original intention of God, to make us more like him, to reflect his image, to make you a better person, spiritually, physically and emotionally and marriage is his greatest tool. This walk starts with a step, a deliberate step together towards Christ. It is an interesting walk down the aisle, trust me!
Hai...Too Nice Blog.
ReplyDeleteReconciliation Business
Wonderful blog & good post.Its really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!