First Steps...

1:03 AM MyWalkDownTheAisle 0 Comments

Again? No. I have actually walked down that aisle once and it has been the best decision I ever made. But one thing I have learnt in my few years of marriage is that you have to walk down that aisle everyday. This is  a deep revelation and I will share more details. On the wedding day, the bride walks down the aisle usually with her father, but that walk doesn’t end there, in fact, it just started, but this time the walk is with the husband.

Marriage is a journey (everybody knows that already), but it is a journey towards Christ. After the oath, the journey you embark on, is with your husband or wife towards Christ. Christ waiting at the other end of the aisle, watching and guiding both of you as you make that journey towards him- The Perfect God.

This walk is not an easy one, it takes patience, endurance and love to learn as you embark on this journey. It is a deliberate walk you have to make everyday with your spouse. This is not only for the ladies but also for the men. My husband and I walk down this aisle everyday towards Christ. This is an avenue to share some of these lessons as we walk down the aisle everyday and also a platform where we can share our minds and also learn as we all grow in Christ.

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