11:51 AM MyWalkDownTheAisle 0 Comments

Marriage has taught me that it is a different thing to forgive and accept an apology. Marriage they say is between two forgivers but when a spouse hurts the other in a deep way and apologizes, do we really, truly forgive? It is easy to say “mo ti gbo” meaning “I have heard you” but the truth is that most times the pain lingers and we are reminded of how hurt it feels which makes us react even after the other party has apologized.

In a marriage relationship, sometimes sorry is not enough, it is so important to talk through the issues and handle each issue through communication and letting each other understand why and what areas to be addressed. This is how anger and hurt feelings can be channeled towards the growth of both spouses, both spouses having an in-depth understanding of why the other party is annoyed. Sometimes the actual cause of our anger can be something different, it is important to understand the root cause of our anger and be able to sincerely communicate it with our spouse. 
There is also no point in being angry for so long, most times, you tend to forget why you were angry in the first place and that is not good for the relationship for the following reasons:Anger takes away a lot of energy; deprives both of you of precious moments together; it creates distance between couples; instead of building, it destroys; the longer anger lingers, the more time you need to resolve it. It affects the relationship and you tend to forget what made you angry in the first instance. So instead, communicate and resolve the main issues quickly and give no room at all for the enemy, (Eph 4:26-27).


It doesn’t end with just communication but taking deliberate efforts to change. Both parties should help each other in the process of growth, it is not enough to settle disputes but to make deliberate efforts to be better persons for each other. It doesn’t  just happen like that, there would be mistakes along the way, but the important lesson to learn is that your spouse is making progress and both of you are not where you used to be. When to communicate is also important, in the heat of it, apology could be enough, but when things settle a bit, it is important that both parties talk about the issue and look at ways at which it could be avoided in the future. Communication about the issue and making deliberate effort to change will make it easier to forgive and accept apology. “Am Sorry” will have a better meaning and would not be taken for granted.

My husband is usually quick to apologize and at a point I knew what he would say even before he said it and that word “am sorry” didn’t make sense to me anymore, because, I thought, if one is truly sorry, then it shouldn’t repeat itself.I realized that in a marriage relationship, the word “sorry” could be taken for granted, that is why it is important to communicate about conflict or what I call “conflict communication”. When to have this communication in conflict should be at one’s discretion, but it is important that it is not delayed for long. This communication will help address the main issues and causes of the conflict. It is not a time for the blaming game, but that both parties can reasonably  talk through the issues and most especially ways to improve and be a better person. It is easier said than done you will say, but it is worth it. Communicating about the difficult issues, will help improve communication and the relationship altogether.

Don’t allow that disagreement to continue for a long time, don’t give the enemy something to hold on to at all, forgive-talk-grow, forgive again-talk-grow, forgive-talk and grow, because you always offend each other, but you become a better person as a result. That way “am sorry” will have a better meaning like “I am not promising that I won’t do it again, but am going to try not to and I need you to understand that I am getting better for you”. The walk down the aisle is not an easy one, but it is important to take one step at a time and see God walk you through to be more like him.


The Reconciliation Business

1:51 PM MyWalkDownTheAisle 2 Comments

God is always in the business of reconciling the church (his body) back to him and one of the greatest avenue for this is marriage. Marriage was God's idea, he ordained it to be so and this marriage relationship is compared with Christ and the Church (Ephesians 5:21-33). Marriage is one of God’s tool to reconciling his body (you and I) back to him and God will use your marriage, your husband, your wife, your in-laws, children, situations etc. to make you that perfect person that he (God) wants you to be.

As you and your spouse take that deliberate walk towards Christ everyday, you are both changing, to becoming more like God into that man, that woman, that parent, that God truly wants you to be. It is a deliberate walk to lay down all you think you know, having a teachable spirit and be willing to learn in love. This walk is sacrificial and deliberate but will make you an all round better person. Christ gave up himself for the church (his body) to make her holy and to present her to himself as a radiant church without stain or wrinkle, that is the kind of relationship husbands should have with their wives. The language of Christ being the head of the church (Ephesians 5:26-29) is SERVICE &; SACRIFICE. 

We  should be able to put efforts into making each other a better person in marriage, just like Christ did and still does for the church. This is actually the original intention of God, to make us more like him, to reflect his image, to make you a better person, spiritually, physically and emotionally and marriage is his greatest tool.  This walk starts with a step, a deliberate step together towards Christ. It is an interesting walk down the aisle, trust me!