5:18 PM MyWalkDownTheAisle 0 Comments

There is something particularly special about season change. When winter gradually rolls into spring, when the cold chills ease into spring warmth, when the ice and pilled up snow melts to the sight of green fields, to watch the trees begin to bud for new life, to hear the birds chirping away, to feel the wet wind blow against your face and the smell of rain that brings up new life... 

I have found it not a coincidence that with spring comes Easter, a celebration of the life that God so generously gave to us on the cross. A season that reminds us of abundant life and a hope that anchors so strongly. Every year is always a reminder of this life, love and hope so strong, the anchor of my faith that Christ died and rose again. 

Maybe... just maybe that's why I get so excited when I feel the shift in the weather! Just the assurance that no matter how brutal the winter is, spring will surely come around. Hallelujah! The reality of this truth strikes me every year when the seasons change. Evergreen, Ever fresh...

The reality of the truth that we have a hope in Christ anchored to the ground, strong and firm and by two immutable things God cannot lie - His word and His name. Hebrews 6:19 "We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain"

As winter rounds up and spring draws near, as we go through this lent season in preparation for Easter, I am reminded again of this sure hope we have in Christ. 

Hope Springs...

Yours in the Walk.