Because He said so...

7:23 PM MyWalkDownTheAisle 0 Comments

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt you were just going round in cycles and nothing seems to be changing? A situation where you are just waiting for a different instruction on the next cause of action or a direction on how to do things differently?

I had found myself in a particular situation, where it seemed as if nothing was working and after trying so many different options to make the situation better, it just seemed as if it wasn't going to happen. I remember thinking and praying about it and an idea i had tried before came to me, my first response was 'but i have tried that before and it didn't work'. I had to take a step back and ask myself what it would cost me to try again the same way, i did try again and this time it worked! the situation changed!

This makes me wonder, how many times we have given up too early or stopped trying because we have tried the same method before?

Simon, a fisherman had done all he knew to do, he has used all his skills and expertise including his years of experience in fishing but he still got nothing.(Luke 5). And he was careful to mention this to Jesus that they had worked very hard and targeted the right time but still caught nothing...

In Luke 5:5 Simon told Jesus “...But because you say so Lord... " Sometimes, the instruction we are waiting on might not be different from what we have tried before or what we have received earlier, the most important thing required of us is obedience. We might have to do the same thing again and we would be surprised at the results that would leave us wondering what was different this time.

The reason why Simon caught such a large number of fishes was because God said so and Simon obeyed! God wants us to learn to trust his word even when it seems we are repeating a cycle and it doesn’t make sense or we have tried things the same way before. 

This time, things are going to be different because God said so!
Yours in the walk.