"Come up hither"
"Come up hither"
It was another mother's day celebration and my husband and kids had plans for me, well most of the plans was for them but i appreciate the thought and the opportunity to spend time with them.
One of the plans for the day was to go for thrill rides, well this was more for my first son and it was a lot of fun and laughter. When it was time to go on the roller coaster, i sat in with my 5 year old and i was screaming and laughing just having fun as i watched him laugh at me. Then he said "mum, you shouldn't be scared of heights, don't you just like the view from the top?"
My ears and heart heard something deeper than what he meant, so i looked down and i saw a beautiful view that i did not see when i was on the ground, most of all, i saw farther...
Then i heard in my heart "the higher you go the farther you see.."
Sometimes, the problems and circumstances we face seem overwhelming because we are looking at them from the ground and it looks insurmountable. Maybe it is time to come up hither, come up in fellowship, come up in relationship with God and watch as that mountain become a molehill.
Sometimes, we are confused, things appear blurred and we just don't know what step to take or what to do, maybe its time to come up hither, step up in relationship with God and watch Him bring clarity, clearing away every obstacle and ordering your steps in His will.
God's word to me, i leave also with you "Come up hither".
Come up hither, the view is beautiful from the top.
Yours in the walk...
A simple illustration that teaches a powerful and profound truth. Thanks for sharing.