New Wine in New Wineskins
Most of the time during wedding anniversary celebrations, people wish couples many more years together and pray for new wine in the marriage. For example;New wine is often used in marriage related events or matters, it could be because Jesus's first miracle was at the wedding in Cana, transforming water to wine, when the wine finished. (John 2:1-12)
The important lesson here is that new wine needs new wine-skin.
Have you been praying for new wine in your home and marriage? If you want new wine from God, then you need to prepare to be a new wine-skin
Lets look at Mark 2:22:"And no one pours new wine into old wine-skins. Otherwise, the new wine will burst the skins and both the wine and the wine-skins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wine-skins".
This scripture explains that new wine can only be put in new wine-skins infact if you put new wine in old wine-skin, the new wine will burst the old wine-skin and both wine and wine-skin will be ruined. And no one will want to waste the new wine by putting it in old wine-skin right? infact both wine and wine-skin will be destroyed.
So when you ask God for new wine in your marriage, be sure to ask him for a new wine-skins too, because that is the only way you can sustain the new wine.
What are these new wine-skins?
God will work from the inside out, prepare for an overhaul. He will work on your mind through his word and teach you what steps and actions He wants you to take in your marriage.
Remember what Mary, mother of Jesus told the servants in John 2:5:
His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” To have new wine-skins, be ready to do whatever He tells you to do.
Yours in the Walk.