As the plane finally settled in the clouds I had a little flashback to my college years, I can’t remember what year in particular, but I was having some challenges with one of my law classes and I asked a classmate to help me out and he offered to study with me, so we decided to meet at the library later that evening. His name is Wole Kunuji, actually, I am disclosing his name just in case he stumbles on this write up (Thank you Wole!). As we studied, he told me and I remember clearly “Todun, wave your hands downwards”, I did, and he said “did you hit anything?” and I remember saying “Yes! My legs, the table…” then he told me “Todun wave those hands upwards”, I did, “did you hit anything?” I said “No” and he told me clearly “Todun, it is crowded down there, there is enough space for everyone up there!”. I never forgot those words.
As I sat by the window in this plane, I looked down as
everything I was familiar with became small, the houses, the trees, the hills
and the mountains… And I remembered Wole’s words to me “Todun, it is crowded
down there, there is enough space for everyone up there!” So here are a few
lessons I am reminded of as I sat on this flight enroute to my destination:
Firstly, the plane uses more energy at the point of takeoff. According to a WorldWatch Institute publication, planes use the most fuel during takeoffs, and on short flights, as much as 25 percent of the total fuel is consumed during takeoff. The life lesson here is this, flying requires energy, most of which is used at the point of takeoff. So be encouraged as you are working hard on that degree, on that business, that marriage, that career, that ministry etc… It’s just takeoff time!
Secondly, there will be turbulence. A little after taking
off, there is always that turbulence period as the plane tries to get to that
altitude and stabilize in the air. At this point the seat belt lights are on
and no one is allowed to move around for safety reasons. The life lesson here
is this, seat and pray through the turbulence, it will soon be over as you glide
through to the altitude God is taking you to!
Thirdly, some turbulent season may last longer than others,
most of the time depending on the weather and the size of the plane. Weather
conditions are external and uncontrollable which could make the turbulence last
longer. But have you noticed that with the bigger planes, the effect of the
turbulence is rarely felt?. You will feel the plane trying to stabilize but it’s
not as bad as the small planes. Oh my! I remember my very first flight ever
from Abuja to Lagos in Nigeria, it was a turbulent flight! I prayed and spoke
in tongues (I think more out of fear than faith) all through the 45 minutes flight J. The life lesson here
is this, there are external conditions you have no control over, just like the
weather conditions. You have no control over the economic situation, but you
can build your capacity to help you through the turbulence! Fly with a bigger
plane! You will still feel the effects of the turbulence but not as much as
flying a small plane.
Lastly, there are other planes flying too! Do you know that
when you are on a plane, there are other planes flying at that same time too
and might even be flying to the same destination? The fact that you don't see them doesn't mean they are not up there somewhere. So Wole was right, “there is
enough space for everyone up there!”.
Have a safe Flight!
Yours in the Walk.