New Wine in New Wineskins
2:23 PM
Most of the time during wedding anniversary celebrations, people wish couples many more years together and pray for new wine in the marriage. For example;2:23 PM MyWalkDownTheAisle 0 Comments
New wine is often used in marriage related events or matters, it could be because Jesus's first miracle was at the wedding in Cana, transforming water to wine, when the wine finished. (John 2:1-12)
The important lesson here is that new wine needs new wine-skin.
Have you been praying for new wine in your home and marriage? If you want new wine from God, then you need to prepare to be a new wine-skin
Lets look at Mark 2:22:"And no one pours new wine into old wine-skins. Otherwise, the new wine will burst the skins and both the wine and the wine-skins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wine-skins".
This scripture explains that new wine can only be put in new wine-skins infact if you put new wine in old wine-skin, the new wine will burst the old wine-skin and both wine and wine-skin will be ruined. And no one will want to waste the new wine by putting it in old wine-skin right? infact both wine and wine-skin will be destroyed.
So when you ask God for new wine in your marriage, be sure to ask him for a new wine-skins too, because that is the only way you can sustain the new wine.
What are these new wine-skins?
God will work from the inside out, prepare for an overhaul. He will work on your mind through his word and teach you what steps and actions He wants you to take in your marriage.
Remember what Mary, mother of Jesus told the servants in John 2:5:
10:55 PM
10:55 PM MyWalkDownTheAisle 1 Comments
10:01 AM
10:01 AM MyWalkDownTheAisle 0 Comments
12:29 PM
12:29 PM MyWalkDownTheAisle 1 Comments
10:19 PM
10:19 PM MyWalkDownTheAisle 1 Comments
Wearisome and miserable comforters are you all.
3 Is there no end to [your futile] words of wind?
Or what plagues you [so much] that you [so boldly] answer [me like this]?
4 I also could speak like you,
If you were in my place;
I could compose and join words together against you
And shake my head at you.
5 [But instead] I could strengthen and encourage you with [the words of] my mouth,
And the consolation and solace of my lips would soothe your suffering and lessen your anguish”.
Like the torrents of brooks that vanish,
16 Which are dull and dirty because of ice,
And into which the snow melts and hides itself;
17 When it is warm, they are silent and cease to flow;
When it is hot, they vanish from their place.
18 The paths of their course wind along,
They go up into nothing and perish.
[Your counsel is as helpful to me as a dry streambed in the heat of summer.]”
My ear has heard and understood it.
2 What you know I also know;
I am not inferior to you.3 But I wish to speak to the Almighty,
And I desire to argue with God.
4 But you smear me with lies [you defame my character most untruthfully];
You are all worthless physicians and have no remedy to offer.
5 Oh, that you would be completely silent,
And that silence would be your wisdom!
6 Please hear my argument and listen to the pleadings of my lips.
7 Will you speak what is unjust for God,
And speak what is deceitful for Him?
8 Will you show partiality for Him [and be unjust to me so that you may gain favor with Him]?
Will you contend and plead for God?”
10:48 AM
10:48 AM MyWalkDownTheAisle 1 Comments
As the plane finally settled in the clouds I had a little flashback to my college years, I can’t remember what year in particular, but I was having some challenges with one of my law classes and I asked a classmate to help me out and he offered to study with me, so we decided to meet at the library later that evening. His name is Wole Kunuji, actually, I am disclosing his name just in case he stumbles on this write up (Thank you Wole!). As we studied, he told me and I remember clearly “Todun, wave your hands downwards”, I did, and he said “did you hit anything?” and I remember saying “Yes! My legs, the table…” then he told me “Todun wave those hands upwards”, I did, “did you hit anything?” I said “No” and he told me clearly “Todun, it is crowded down there, there is enough space for everyone up there!”. I never forgot those words.
Firstly, the plane uses more energy at the point of takeoff. According to a WorldWatch Institute publication, planes use the most fuel during takeoffs, and on short flights, as much as 25 percent of the total fuel is consumed during takeoff. The life lesson here is this, flying requires energy, most of which is used at the point of takeoff. So be encouraged as you are working hard on that degree, on that business, that marriage, that career, that ministry etc… It’s just takeoff time!
1:57 PM
With Mother's Day in view, i find myself thinking of the Christmas Song "Mary did you know". It's a song with questions that set me to think....Here is the lyric:1:57 PM MyWalkDownTheAisle 0 Comments
Mary did you know that your baby boy will one walk on water?
Mary did you know that your baby boy will save our sons and daughters?
Did you know that your baby boy has come to make you new?
This child that you delivered, will soon deliver you!
Mary did you know that your baby boy will give sight to the blind man?
Mary did you know that your baby boy will calm the storm with his hands?
Did you know that your baby boy has walked where angels trod?
When you kissed your little baby, you kissed the face of God!
Mary did you know that your baby boy is Lord of all creation?
Mary did you that your baby boy would one day rule the nations?
Did you know that your baby boy is heaven's perfect lamb?
This sleeping child you are holding is the great I am!
Am sure Mary knew the child was special considering the events surrounding his birth, but did she know the extent of how special that child was? A part of the song that shakes me every time is "When you kissed your little baby, you kissed the face of God!" Ha! A feeling only Mary knows!! As Christians we know we carry something on our inside, we know Christ lives and dwells in us, but most of the time we forget the reality of this truth; that the God of all humanity, creator of the heaven and earth dwells within you.
Colossians 1:19 says " For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him" All of God was in baby Jesus!! Colossians 2:9 further says "For in Christ all of the fullness of the Godhead dwell bodily and YOU have been brought into that fullness" another version says you are complete in him. Colossians 1:22 says "But now he has reconciled you by Christ's physical body through death to present YOU holy in his sight and without blemish and free from accusation."
Just like Mary, you might not know the extent or significance of what you carry on your inside, but just like the above song and scriptures reminded me "You carry God on your inside!!" So go and manifest!.
"Christ in you the hope of Glory" Colossians 1:27.
Happy Mothers Day.
Yours in the walk...