I have been recently blessed by the book of Jude, so I wanted to share my lessons with you all.
Have you ever wondered why Jude is just before Revelations? One book of the bible that am always afraid to read is Revelations, because I know it talks about the end times and things to expect. The last time I did a deep study on the book of revelations, I had all sort of end time dreams. :)
The truth is we cannot shy away from it any longer, the end time signs are here!: the pleasures of the flesh, human trafficking, rape, kidnaps, war, killings, terrorism, bullying, young adults on shooting spree etc.. I have found myself asking questions like: How did it get this bad? When will all this end? Will it get worse till Jesus comes?
So I found Jude, just one chapter, very easy to skip, that's why I titled this write up "I see you Jude". :)
Jude made me put some things into perspective, no wonder Jude came before Revelations!! Jude was supposed to prepare us for Revelations!
Jude was eager and compelled to write and urge us to contend for the faith that was entrusted to us, Jude further explains that certain people whose condemnation was written long long ago have secretly slipped in among us. Ungodly people who pervert the grace of God into a license for immorality, they pollute their bodies, reject authority and heap abuses on authorities (vs 8)
These people feast at our love feast and serve only themselves, they are clouds without rain, blown by the wind, trees without fruits and uprooted-twice dead, waves of sea foaming up their shame... They are grumblers,fault finders,they follow their evil desires and flatter others for their advantage (vs12-16)...
Jude reminds us in vs 17 of what has been foretold, that in the last days, there will be scoffers who follow their own ungodly desires.
In vs 20, Jude said: "But You! Todun, (put your name too) my dear friend, you have no control of what is to come! It has been foretold! So build up yourself on your most holy faith and pray in the Spirit, keep yourself in Gods love as you wait for the mercy of Christ to eternal life, be merciful to those who doubt,save others with fear, pulling them out of fire but hating clothing starved by corrupted flesh.
"Remember what I told you earlier in vs 3?"
I said "what?" Jude said "Contend for your faith! Sometimes contending means tending! Tend to yourself first, then save others with fear, hating clothes stained with sin".
All I could say was "I see you Jude, I finally see you"
Jude in one chapter is filled with instructions especially for Christians living in such times as we are presently. Therefore, tend to your faith, hold on firmly as we wait for the mercy of God to eternal life.
Yours in the walk...