The Mystery of Unity

9:16 PM MyWalkDownTheAisle 0 Comments

I have always wondered on this mystery and I finally got an answer to it! In my few marital years, I have observed that moments when I make God my priority, when I totally yield to him is when am closest to my husband. The closer I am to God, the closer I am to my husband. I am more patient, loving and I even hear things on his mind!! This really baffles me a lot, it is so amazing, the mystery of unity in marriage.
This mystery is simply God. Remember the three fold cord? GOD, YOU AND YOUR SPOUSE? The three fold cord that cannot be easily broken(Eccl 4v 12b). Am going to use this image as an illustration;

Husband                                      Wife
The truth is the closer we are to God, the closer we get to our spouses. The couple in the triangle above, has God as their foundation, but in a marriage relationship, that is not enough. We need to have constant relationship with the author of marriage to be able to understand each other and love each other like God himself wants us to. As you move closer to God, the gap between you and your spouse fizzle out! Now check out this same couple, they decide to personally have a relationship with God and get closer to him. 
Husband                        Wife

As both couple decide to move closer to God, the gap between them fizzle out! Several things happen here, couples get closer with each other in unity, and they each become Christ like, they raise Godly seeds and our society becomes a better place. One will chase a thousand and two, tens of thousands, the enemy is aware of this power in unity and he will try to bring so many distractions our way, to affect our relationship with God and eventually our relationship with our spouses. Let us hold on to God, who first loved us because he alone can help sustain our marriage relationships. This is the mystery of unity!
Yours in the walk….

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