The Light in my Path

7:10 PM MyWalkDownTheAisle 0 Comments

Scriptures: Psalm 32 vs 8: “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you”.

Psalm 119 vs 105: "Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path".

As a parent, there have been times i have had to give my children immediate instructions, and most times they ask me "But why mummy?" and my response, "Because mummy said so!" :) And there have been times I have had to stop everything I’m doing and seize that opportunity to teach them an important life lesson. Psalm 32:8 lays out three important ways The Lord guides:

  • Instructs- To direct or command someone to do something
  • Teach- To show or explain to someone how to do something
  • Counsel- To give advice to someone

I have found moments of His instructions sometimes uncomfortable, not exactly the way I would want to do my things and I find myself struggle just like my children when thy ask me “but why?”. No wonder Psalm 119:105 says your word is a lamp to my feet… ouch! That would definitely feel uncomfortable! I have tried to imagine that scripture literally and I can’t imagine how uncomfortable it will be to have a lamp tied to ones feet. At the same time, I have found moments of His teaching totally transformative, changing mindsets and building a solid foundation for a new thinking and moments of His counsel gently leading to His purpose.  

I found His instructions/commands, His teachings and counsels gently molding and conforming me to His image and to who He wants me to be. If this lamp to my feet lights my path, I would gladly put it on- everyday. This is the lamp that lights my path- His word! Proverbs 6:23- “For this command is a lamp, this teaching is a light

Prayer- “Dear Lord, though I constantly take my life in my hands, help me not to forget your law and stray from your precepts. Your statutes are my heritage forever and a joy to my heart. Please help my heart to be set on keeping your decrees to the very end.” Amen – Psalm 119: 109-112.

Yours in the walk...


Planted by the source

8:44 PM MyWalkDownTheAisle 0 Comments

Psalm 1:3

That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—
whatever they do prospers.

As i take a deep look into Psalm 1 vs 3, i can't help but notice that the tree here is planted by the streams of water. Not just any water but streams of water. This is a very significant indication of being planted by the source. 

When you look at the word "streams", It signifies an overflow, gush of overflowing streams. Another important connotation is that it means a consistent flow, just like when we use the word streams of income, it means there is a consistent supply of income coming in. It also means never drying up, as a result of the streams, there is no drought! 

This person is strategically positioned by the source- planted by the streams of water. Who is this source you will ask? God! A lot of references were made in the bible indicating Christ as the water that truly satisfies. 
John 7: 38-
Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them".

Jesus is saying here in John 7 that all it takes is that you believe in Him and the rivers of living water will flow from within. The source within you is the Holy Spirit! As long as you are in Christ and you have a relationship with the Holy Spirit, you are already planted by the source- the streams of water. And most importantly, the source is within you! 

Are you planted by the source?
Yours in the walk...


At the scent of water

5:09 AM MyWalkDownTheAisle 0 Comments

"For there is hope for a tree,
If it is cut down, that it will sprout again,
And that its tender shoots will not cease.
Though its root may grow old in the earth,
And its stump may die in the ground,
Yet at the scent of water it will bud
And bring forth branches like a plant." Job 14:7-9

Water is life, water brings hope. 
I immediately went to my almost dying plants with little hope and began to water it. After a few minutes, i thought i saw some difference but i wasn't so sure. An hour later, i walked back out to check and there it was! The almost dying leaves were alive again! Hope springs!

A lot of times, we tend to focus on bearing fruits that we forget that the fruits will grow if the plant is consistently watered. We ask questions about why the business is not growing, why the fruits are not out yet, why its taking so long, but the truth is most times we don't consistently water that desire for growth.

What is that thing you are trusting God for? What is that business or vision that seems to be taking so long? What is that seed sown that seems to be dying? Water it! Water it consistently and watch light break forth and fruits grow.

Watering is an action word. You water with the word of God and prayers and taking actionable God guided steps. Don't loose hope, don't lose faith, water it and watch it come alive at the scent of water! 

Yours in the walk.


The Right Environment- the transplant lesson

6:16 AM MyWalkDownTheAisle 0 Comments

Galatians 6:9
- "A little leaven, leavens the whole lump"

I remembered my transplanting teachings from my agriculture class in high school when i noticed the vegetables i had planted in a particular pot wasn't growing. I had watered it and done all that i could, but this plant was just withering away.

To save it, i decided to transplant this vegetable into another pot whose vegetables were growing well and i watched to see signs of hope in the coming days.      


So many scriptures in the bible points to the fact that the right environment and the people around you are very important.
1 Corinthians 15:33- "Do not be deceived, evil company corrupts good character"
Proverbs 13:20- "He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed"

I did learn this very important lesson from my transplant lesson because after some days, all the plants in the new pot died- both host plant and transplanted plant... all gone. Which means i transplanted into the wrong environment, hence none of the plants flourished. 

Do you sense you are in the wrong environment? What environment do you need to change today? What steps do you need to take in the right direction?

Think about this and take steps to transplant to the right environment.

Yours in the Walk...


Keep Watering!

2:21 PM MyWalkDownTheAisle 0 Comments

I just started gardening for the first time this summer, thanks to my neighbor friend who inspired me. All of sudden my eyes opened to a whole new world of learning about gardening and it's true that experience is always the best teacher.
I am by far not an expert in gardening, but i'm willing to learn, the best part of this experience for me is always when i see life burst forth from the ground i planted in. Oh such joy! and such hope!

One of the first lessons i learned is to keep watering. I had started seeing the plants grow and doing well, then i started forgetting to water them. I would only water the plants when i remember until one day when i stepped out to the yard to see the plants dying. I remember thinking "what did i do wrong?"

It was then it hit me that the cause of my dying plant was my inconsistency in watering . It wasn't about the fact that i had watered it two days ago but that i had been inconsistent. The key to growth is consistency and consistency is a deliberate act. I had to set a reminder to ensure that i water the plants everyday.

This same principle applies to anything you want to grow in, you want to grow spiritually? it takes deliberate acts of spending time in the presence of God consistently in worship, prayers and reading His word. It's not about spending time in His presence today and the next time will be in two or three days. To grow, you have to cultivate the lifestyle of being consistent in acts that encourage growth. 

Keep watering everyday till it becomes a lifestyle.
Yours in the walk.



4:30 PM MyWalkDownTheAisle 2 Comments

                                    "You Lord, keep my lamp burning;
                                     My God turns my darkness into light"
                                                                                           -Psalm 18:28.

It was my normal night time routine, all was set for me to settle in bed with a book, only that this time something was different...

Just like every other night after my very minimalist night time routine, you can't blame me after a long day and finally getting the kids to bed, all i just want to do is get in bed with a good book or watch a movie, to help me relax and get ready to sleep. As i got in bed and made myself super comfortable, i turned to turn on my bedside lamp and it didn't come on, i pressed the switch again, same thing... just darkness. Then i concluded that my bulb was out and i needed to get a new bulb to replace the old dead one, so i made a mental note to get a new bulb the next day.

The next day as i fixed in the new bulb, i noticed it wasn't working too, only then did i think to check the plugs. And yes you guessed right! the plugs were not connected to the sockets!
In that very instant, i felt The Lord teaching me a lesson: how many times have we felt the need to change our "bulbs" just because we can't see, when actually all we needed to do was get plugged in?

The bible urges us in Matthew 5:16- “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” The reason why God is glorified when your light shines is because God is your light and salvation (Psalm 27:1). Therefore to keep your light shining, you have to stay connected to the source of your light - God!

Before you change those bulbs, check in on the plugs. Stay connected to God!
Yours in the Walk.