11:23 AM MyWalkDownTheAisle 0 Comments

Alicia and Amy were good friends, not necessarily best friends, but they were really good friends, maybe because they shared similar life experiences. They went to the same college, they grew up in the same community and in fact when Amy was going through a serious break up with her ex-boyfriend, Alicia was there to help out because she had gone through a similar experience some few months prior. Life just had a way of connecting both of them together and they both have a few fiends in common.

Maybe these were the reasons Amy had trusted Alicia with her business proposal, they were having a conversation over lunch, something casual and Amy shared her dreams and how she was working to get an investor to buy in into her business idea. Alicia had volunteered to help her go through the proposal, an idea Amy appreciated without a second thought. 

The shock Amy felt when she was presenting to Blossom Investments and the President told her that someone had presented the exact business proposal was one of disbelief. "Could Alicia have betrayed her? No, Lord please No" She kept saying those words over and over. She apologized to the president and board members that there must have been a mistake somewhere and Amy was given 48 hours to make another presentation. 

Alicia didn't pick up her calls and that was all the confirmation Amy needed. As she knelt down to pray, after hours of being distraught and discouraged, she had no words to say but "why Lord?" She felt a peace that she couldn't explain, she heard a voice telling her "Amy, i know what you are feeling, one of my disciples betrayed me too. All things will work together."
Amy wept as she picked up her bible and she opened 1 Kings 3:16-18, a story about two prostitutes who lived together and had babies only three days apart. One of the prostitutes slept on her child and the child died, then she switched the dead child with her roommate's living child. And how through the wisdom of God, King Solomon was able to judge the case rightly.

Amy was not shocked to see Alicia in the boardroom of Blossom Investments, Amy had spent the last 48 hours praying and just asking God for wisdom and grace to forgive her. The President welcomed both of them and gave them two options; That both Amy and Alicia partner together on the business or no one gets the investment at all. It was a tough decision to make, Amy could no longer trust Alicia and she couldn't work with someone she did not trust. Alicia was excited about the offer and she told the President that she was willing to move forward with Amy. 

Just then, Amy remembered the scripture she had read and a light bulb went on in her mind, "maybe, just maybe God was preparing her for this moment". "Mr President" she said "I appreciate this offer, but i cannot take it because i cannot work with someone i don't trust. I have worked hard on this proposal but i am willing to let Alicia have it. I trust God to give me another business idea."
The president was very impressed with Amy and her willingness to let go, that he decided to offer Amy the investments for her business.
Have you ever felt betrayed by someone before? It could be a friend or maybe a spouse? They said something you told them in confidence to a third party? or maybe using an information you gave out as their personal profit? or maybe your business idea was stolen? Whatever the case may be, the feeling of being betrayed is not a good feeling it leaves you hurt and deeply wounded. 

Amy had a few lessons to learn;

  • Jesus was betrayed  by one of His own disciples Judas Iscariot, and He knows and understands exactly how you feel.

  • Jesus was willing to forgive for the purpose of God to be fulfilled. The prostitute with the living child was willing to let go for the child to be alive. Life and purpose was more important than hurt and unforgiveness.

  • When you let go for a greater purpose, you have lost NOTHING.

Yours in the Walk...