The Third Party Effect in Marriage

12:39 PM MyWalkDownTheAisle 0 Comments

Initially i thought that phrase "third party" should actually be "fourth party" since God should be the third, then i remembered that "two has actually become one", so we have the couple as one entity, God as another entity and the third party (if there is any).

A marriage is between a man and his wife with God as the center of the union, but in all sincerity there are third party influences in marriage too. Most times, when we say third parties, the initial thought is that it has to be a person, but NO, a third party can be anybody and anything that has any form of influence ( positive or negative) in your marriage. 

Its a wide spectrum here, its ok to have one or two positive influences in your marriage, but don't make them a party to your marriage, they can help guide you, but they are not a party in your marriage, always learn to draw the line and own your decisions. At the same time, there are third parties with negative effect on marriages and most times these negative influences are always so close to us and not easily identifiable. It could be a friend, a family member, an habit, attitude, money, a job etc.. and most times they don't start off as negative. 

So how do you recognize negative third parties? Here is my policy; " Whatever does not bring peace, whatever does not bring love, whatever encourages anger, envy and jealousy is not of God".If God is the center of your home and marriage, then whatever does not honor him should stay out, so that God will thrive in your marriage relationship. Take time to examine your life and marriage, identify the negative third party influences and work on them through the help of God. Never, ever underestimate the  negative effect of a third party, all the enemy needs to destroy a home is a foothold and don't let him have it.

Yours in the walk....