9:16 AM MyWalkDownTheAisle 0 Comments

Have you ever considered why a plane needs two pilots or why there is always a lot of turbulence at the takeoff of a plane, until it stabilizes in the air?  So this reminds me of my very first experience on a plane, it was a flight from Lagos to Abuja on my way to the Abuja law school in Nigeria. I remember acting like I was so experienced and I just didn't want it to be so obvious it was my first flight ever. After settling down and the plane was about to take off, I remember saying a silent quick prayer and I just wasn't prepared for what happened nextJ. Then the turbulence started as the plane tried to steady in the air, unconsciously, I grabbed the hands of the elderly man sitting next to me and I started speaking in tongues, LOL (laughing out loud). I think I spoke in tongues almost throughout the flight. The elderly man whose hands I held was very gracious, he asked if it was my first time and I said yes and he said I could hang on to his hands as long as I wanted and he even held me back. Every time I grew tense, he sensed it in my grips and he would reassure me with his firmer yet calm grip.

My first flight experience reminds me of marriage. Just like two pilots who have been trained to fly a plane, they have to work together to ensure a safe flight and the safety of everyone on board. So also is marriage, despite the “training” or counselling, the couple have to work together to ensure a safe marriage flight with the bible as their daily guide. And yes, there will be turbulence, but the couple have to master the art of flying through the turbulence, through prayers and the word of God.

After a turbulence, the plane steadies in the air and even gains momentum to fly higher. In marriage, the turbulence period should make the couple stronger and even give them momentum to fly higher together. The best time to gather momentum is usually in the period of serenity, through prayers and studying of the word, in preparation of what is ahead.

As we move on in 2014, consider your marriage flight and which phase you are on, are you just getting ready to fly, or still on the runway and just about to take off? Have you just encountered a turbulence or still going through a turbulence? Or maybe you are in the serenity phase? Whatever phase it is, let God be your anchor, let the bible be your flight guide and soar through that turbulence. And always remember and ensure the safety of lives on board; your children, friends and family who are looking up to you for a safe flight.

This year, we will be looking at the lives of real couples who have gone through one turbulence period or the other and how they have been able to work through it, through the help of God. These couples will be sharing their stories as a testimony and also a way to encourage others going through the same situation or something similar.

Have a safe flight all.

Yours in the walk.