8:34 AM MyWalkDownTheAisle 0 Comments

I (name), do take you (spouse’s name) to be my lawfully wedded husband/wife… till death do us part.

This is first phrase in the marriage vow and it seems to have been taken lightly in most marriages. This phrase declares to the world that you have decided to take your spouse to be your lawfully wedded husband/ wife. On your wedding day, you TAKE him/her, after TAKING you have to learn to RECEIVE your spouse everyday till death do you part… Yes, after taking, you have to learn to receive what you have taken everyday!

After declaring to the world that you have taken your lawfully wedded spouse, the journey of discovery/ rediscovery begins and as you discover each other, you have to learn to embrace the differences in eachother. Accepting this God given differences is a way of making us better spouses. Receiving your spouse is a daily choice to love, respect and accept your spouse as God’s special gift. 

When you learn to receive your spouse everyday, the question won’t be “Did I marry the right person?” but “Am I becoming the right person?”

Have you received your spouse today?

Yours in the walk…


Personal Development in Marriage

9:23 AM MyWalkDownTheAisle 0 Comments

We often make decisions to develop ourselves professionally, academically, spiritually and even financially to be a better person. Most times, these decisions are followed by active steps to quit a job and go back to school, save up some money to write a professional exam, open up a savings account, attending trainings and conferences to improve our professional skills, opening a savings account and even moving to another country or state. Often times we overlook the fact that we also need to develop and improve in our marriages, to learn and unlearn something and take deliberate actions to be a better person for our spouses. Personal development is a form of development at the individual level, but in a marriage, personal development has a ripple effect. It affects the spouse and children in a positive way.

As you improve on yourself, through the help of God, your marriage will be better. As we uncover our strengths and weaknesses in marriage, we should encourage our strengths and work on our weaknesses. Have a goal to be a better person for your spouse and improve on that cooking skills, communication skills, anger management etc. Attend marriage seminars, go out on dates, pray and study scriptures together, spend more time together and try new things, this is how we personally develop and grow in marriage.
Take that deliberate step today…

Yours in the walk.